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‘SitePAD Featured on front page of Bricks and Mortar, day of iPad launch. Times Newspaper, Bricks and Mortar.
‘SitePAD: the first true CAD app for iPhone + iPad’ – ArchiCAD Monkey
In a couple of past articles I’ve talked about the different options offered for CAD on iPhone and iPad, and how nothing has really impressed anyone yet - bringing great frustration to many design professionals. We’ve transitioned from desktop to laptop quite quickly in the past few years, and now we’ve been aching for someone to create a useful app on the go. The existing apps are either too simplistic or just vector-based drawing systems - which give the impression of an architectural drawing - without any practical use other than creating an image of say a floorplan, which later must be traced over - most times inaccurately - in a proper CAD application to become useful.
So the other day I was very pleased to come by a website which lead me to a very promising iPhone app, called SitePAD. I was even more surprised to find out that one of the creators of the app - Timothy Barnard - was actually a coursemate of mine from Manchester School of Architecture. I had a chance to chat with him over a drink, and it seems Tim and his brother Paul have formed “Fresh Design Base Ltd” and together set out to create the first truly workable app for drawing and viewing CAD files on the iPhone, thus the appropriately named : Pocket Aided Design (PAD). Read More...

11/05/10 20:45
‘iPhone app enables portable CAD drawing’ – Eureka Magazine
Fresh Design Base has announced an iPhone application which enables portable CAD drawing. |
SitePAD (pocket aided design) has been launched on iTunes and is designed to allow the user to draw and view sketches in CAD format. The user can upload and download drawings, to and from an iPhone, whilst out of the office.Read More...
29/04/10 20:48
‘New iPhone app for design professionals’ – DPA Engineers Guide to New Products and Design Ideas.
New iPhone app for design professionals
In response to the environmental challenges facing the design and construction industries, Fresh Design Base has created and launched an iPhone application, which greatly improves efficiency and dialogue for, and between, professionals. SitePAD (Pocket Aided Design) allows the user to draw and view sketches in CAD format, in the palm of their hands. The user can upload and download drawings to and from their iPhone whilst out of the office, thus making the whole process much more efficient. Read More...

27/04/10 20:50
‘SitePad. First 2D CAD on iPhone and iPad. Aiming at 3D’ –
SitePad. First 2D CAD on iPhone and iPad. Aiming at 3D.
If you felt a rumble in the aether that ended up with a guy suddenly appearing in your face poking your eyeballs with a tablet computer, you’re probably not dreaming and you’re probably not holding back a good solid punch to his gut.
Neither is Timothy Barnard of Fresh Design Base, a Manchester, UK web design firm and creator of SitePAD. He created SitePAD (Pocket Aided Design) to “extend your office capabilities onsite” via your mobile device and provide a way to share the data through an online interface with your team members.
It’s not only the first CAD app on the iPhone and iPad, but is taking direct aim at developing a 3D version and defining what subscription-based CAD apps and touchscreen functionality will be like. We discussed the product with Tim and got the low-down on why he created it and how it helps in design. Read More...
07/04/10 20:58
‘Sale brothers launch iPhone application’ – Sale and Altrincham Messenger.
An innovative pair of brothers from Sale have launched an iPhone application designed to speed up the architectural design process.
Following 18 months of development Tim and Paul Barnard, 23 and 26, released the SitePAD app two weeks ago after Apple decided to make it available on iTunes.
Paul was delighted with the progress so far. He said: “It feels great to have it out there and we’re very proud. Since it...Read More...

01/04/10 21:01
‘Sitepad draws up a plan for iPhone app success!’ – Manchester Evening News.
Sitepad draws up a plan for IPhone app success
A Sale-based architectural student and his brother have launched an iPhone application which they say will greatly speed up the process of getting architects’ sketched ideas translated into technical drawings.
Tim and Paul Barnard’s Sitepad app was approved by Apple to go on iTunes earlier this week.
The app allows architects and surveyors to sketch their plans on an iPhone or iPod Touch in CAD format while on site.
This drawing can then be sent via the Sitepad website to be downloaded back at the office and converted into a full technical drawing.
Tim, 26, currently in his eighth year of studying to be an architect, said: “Hardware has now developed to such a point that...Read More...
30/03/10 20:39
SitePAD launched as the first truly mobile CAD platform, extending office capabilities on site, saving time, gaining time and revolutionizing the CAD industry.
Fresh Design Base